If you weren’t able to attend the 2015 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting in San Francisco, December 14 to 18, or the 96th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), January 10 to January 14, you can still discover the research results that were presented featuring ARM Climate Research Facility data.
Nearly 24,000 scientists from around the world presented at AGU, including these researchers using data from ARM. The scientific impact of this U.S. Department of Energy’s user facility can be found in summaries of Town Halls, workshops, presentations, posters, and more.
You can see additional photos from AGU here.
For nearly 100 years, AMS meetings have been providing meteorologists the opportunity to share their work, network with colleagues, and learn of recent research developments. A number of ARM users led sessions and were recognized for their exemplary work in atmospheric science, including Minghua Zhang, a long-time ARM/ASR scientist and Stony Brook University Professor, who was also selected as an AMS fellow, in addition to Dave Bader.