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2D Gridded Surface Data Set

External VAP

Spatial variability is of critical importance to many scientific studies, especially those that involve processes (e.g., precipitation, clouds, and radiation) of great spatial variations at high temporal frequency. High-density ARM sites deployed at Southern Great Plains (SGP) allow us to observe the spatial patterns of variables of scientific interests. However currently, the data is only reported at individual site locations at different time resolutions for different data streams. It is difficult for the users to locate all the data they need and requires extra effort to synchronize the data. To address these problems, the ARMBE2DGRID VAP merges key surface measurements at the ARM SGP sites and interpolates the data to a regular 2D grid to facilitate the data application. The output data at 0.25o x 0.25 o x 1 hour and covers the domain at 35oN—38.5 oN and 95.5oW—99.5oW. It includes the following products: Surface Meteorological Instrumentation (MET), Oklahoma Mesonet (OKM), Kansas State University Mesonet (KSUMESO), Data Quality Assessment for ARM Radiation Data (QCRAD), Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES), Microwave Radiometer (MWR), Best-Estimate Fluxes from EBBR Measurements and Bulk Aerodynamics Calculations (BAEBBR), Eddy Correlation Flux Measurement System (ECOR), Soil Water and Temperature System (SWATS). A set of stringent Quality Controls is applied to remove suspicious data in the input data.

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This data product is normally used to compare with the model output over the SGP domain and study sub-grid spatial variability of surface turbulent and radiative fluxes.

When there are not enough valid data within the domain, the data will show missing values. For these periods, the users are recommended to check the corresponding Station-Based Surface Products (ARMBESTNS) data, the 2D data at site locations before the interpolation. More details are documented in the technical report.

  • Shaocheng Xie
    Translator Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed March 2025