ARM Best Estimate 2D Data Sets Available for 2004 to 2010
Published: 18 March 2018

Data sets for the years 2004 to 2010 for ARM Best Estimate 2-dimensional (2D) Gridded Surface (ARMBE2DGRID) and ARM Best Estimate Station-based Surface (ARMBESTNS) are available in the ARM Data Center.
The primary goal of these two data sets is to provide 2D spatial data of important surface variables to facilitate studies on precipitation, clouds, and radiation, for example, which require high spatial and temporal observations.
Work continues to expand the data sets to longer periods. Previous efforts can be found in this announcement.
Feedback and use of the data are always welcome. To ask questions or offer suggestions, contact Qi Tang or Shaocheng Xie.
To access both data sets, please browse the ARM Data Center. (Go here to create an account to download the data.)
ARMBE2DGRID data can be referenced as doi:10.5439/1178331. ARMBESTNS data can be referenced as doi:10.5439/1178332.
The ARM Climate Research Facility is a DOE Office of Science user facility. The ARM Facility is operated by nine DOE national laboratories.
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