Cross-Scale Land-Atmosphere Experiment
1 March 2017 - 31 May 2019
Lead Scientist: Pierre Gentine
Observatory: SGP
It is now well recognized that land-atmosphere interactions play an important role in both weather and climate. These interactions take place over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Most of the current formulations of the momentum, heat, and moisture transport laws are informed by observations with a limited temporal or spatial scale, and hence may have limited applicability. The objective of this work is to improve the multi-scale representation of the near-surface heat transfer in the ground and in the atmosphere using a combination of modeling and field observations. Our knowledge and predictive capacity in land-atmosphere coupling is limited by our capacity to observe the full-scale spectrum at play. In order to bridge this fundamental gap in our observation capacity, this campaign will create the first long-term Integrated Cross-Scale land-Atmosphere Experiment (CSLAEX) to be implemented as part of the Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP) site near Lamont, Oklahoma to measure the components of the surface energy balance at a spatial scale relevant to remote- sensing and meteorological applications (5km), along with observations of the nested subscale processes with Distributed Temperature Sensors (DTS). The campaign aims to fill the gaps in modeling and observing land-atmosphere interactions across scales via a novel Cross-Scale Land-Atmosphere Experiment (CSLAEX). The research effort aims at exploring land-atmosphere processes across multiple spatial scales and investigating the effect of landscape heterogeneity using Distributed Temperature Sensor measurements. The novel instrumentation of the Surface Energy Balance and simultaneous observations of the atmospheric state (boundary layer, cloud, convection) available at the DOE ARM SGP site will be used to create CSLAEX. This data set will be used to frame and evaluate new transport laws and parameterizations for the boundary layer and the land surface, which can be implemented into the Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) model and Community Atmospheric Model (CAM). The result of this study should impact multiple fields: meteorology, climate, and hydrology.
Campaign Data Sets
IOP Participant | Data Source Name | Final Data |
Pierre Gentine | Distributed Temperature Sensing | Order Data |
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