Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E): Inner Domain Thermodynamic Profiling during MC3E
22 April 2011 - 6 June 2011
Lead Scientist: David Turner
Observatory: SGP
The improvement of convective parameterizations and the processes that are connected to convection are key areas of research for DOE in both ARM and the ASR programs and to NOAA. The MC3E provided a powerful and unique dataset for the study of the many different components of the convective cloud system: (1) pre-convective environment, (2) convective initiation, (3) updraft/downdraft dynamics, (4) condensate transport/detrainment/entrainment, (5) precipitation and cloud microphysics, (6) influence on the environment, (7) influence on the radiation, and (8) large-scale forcing. The additional temperature and humidity profiles offered by the AERIs at the X-band radar sites greatly augmented the MC3E dataset, and in particular helped address components (1), (2), (6), and (7) above.Related Publications
View all- Wang et al. "Investigation of liquid cloud microphysical properties of deep convective systems: 1. Parameterization of rain drop size distribution and its application for stratiform rain estimate". 2016. 10.1002/2016jd024941.
Parent Campaign
Anthony Del Genio
Scott Giangrande
Michael Jensen
Campaign Data Sets
IOP Participant | Data Source Name | Final Data |
Xiquan Dong | Cloud Aerosol Precip Spectrometer(CAPS)/Cloud Imaging Probe (CIP) | Order Data |
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