Aerosol IOP
1 May 2003 - 31 May 2003
Lead Scientist: Richard Ferrare
Observatory: SGP
To gain improved understanding and model-based representation of aerosol radiative influences an IOP (Intensive Observational Period) was conducted at the Department of Energy's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains Site in north central Oklahoma, in May 2003. This experiment used ground and airborne measurements of aerosol absorption, scattering, and extinction over the ARM SGP site to characterize the routine ARM aerosol measurements, and help resolve differences between measurements and models of diffuse irradiance at the surface. The assessments of aerosol optical thickness and aerosol absorption was carried out in conjunction with measurements of downwelling direct and diffuse irradiance as a function of wavelength and altitude. The IOP carried out a variety of closure experiments on aerosol optical properties and their radiative influence. Measurements of the aerosol chemical composition and size distribution allowed testing of the ability to reconstruct optical properties from these measurements. Additional effort was directed toward measurement of cloud condensation nucleus concentration as a function of supersaturation and relating CCN concentration to aerosol composition and size distribution. This relation was central to description of the aerosol indirect effect.Campaign Links
Related Publications
View all- Noble et al. "Effects of Continental Clouds on Surface Aitken and Accumulation Modes". 2019. 10.1029/2019JD030297.
Activity Summary
Campaign Data Sets
IOP Participant | Data Source Name | Final Data |
William Arnott | Desert Research Institute - airborne photo-acoustic aerosol extinction | Order Data |
Thomas Cahill | DRUM aerosol sampler | Order Data |
Don Collins | Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer | Order Data |
James Hudson | Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counter | Order Data |
Qiang (Jack) Ji | Surface-sensing Measurements for Atmospheric Radiative Transfer | Order Data |
Evgueni Kassianov | Multifilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer- T0 Site | Order Data |
Joseph Michalsky | Normal Incidence Multi-filter Radiometer | Order Data |
Peter Pilewskie | NASA Ames Solar Spectral Flux Radiometer | Order Data |
Beat Schmid | Ames Airborne 14-channel Sunphotometer | Order Data |
Patrick Sheridan | Integrating nephelometer, condensation particle counter | Order Data |
James Slusser | Ozone | Order Data |
James Slusser | Ultraviolet Multifilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer | Order Data |
Alexander Trishchenko | ASD Spectroradiometer | Order Data |
Jian Wang | Scanning mobility particle sizer | Order Data |
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