International H2O Project (IHOP)
13 May 2002 - 25 June 2002
Lead Scientist: Randy Peppler
Observatory: SGP
The International H2O Project (IHOP) sought to map out the 4-D distribution of water vapor over the ARM Southern Great Plains (SGP) site. The project occured over the SGP site from May 13 to June 25, 2002. The project was focused on precipitating convective clouds with four overlapping and co-coordinated research components aimed at the following:- improving the understanding and prediction of convective initiation,
- improving the measurement and treatment of surface and boundary layer processes as they relate to the formation and evolution of convective clouds,
- determining the impact of improved characterization of the water vapor field on quantitative precipitation forecasts, and
- providing guidance on the future optimal mix of water vapor measurement and assimilation strategies.
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