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Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment (M-PACE)

27 September 2004 - 21 October 2004

Lead Scientist: Johannes Verlinde

Observatory: NSA

The major objective of the Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment (M-PACE) was to collect a focused set of observations needed to advance our understanding of the dynamical and processes in mixed-phase arctic clouds, including cloud microphysical processes and radiative transfer through these clouds. The M-PACE consisted of four surface-based sites the two DOE-ARM NSA sites Barrow and Atqasuk supplemented by another remote sensing site at Oliktok Point and a radiosonde site in the interior. The Oliktok Point site was equipped with an ARM-like remote sensing facility, supplemented by a tethered balloon equipped with basic met, radiation and CPI capability. Aircraft equipped with the full complement of microphysical and radiation instruments documented cloud properties between these four points. The University of North Dakota Citation was the in situ platform, while the DOE-ARM UAV served as a high-flying remote sensing platform. In addition to its standard set of microphysical measurement systems, the Citation was equipped with the NCAR CCN counter and the CSU IN counter, while the UAV had downward looking cloud radar, lidar and HIS in addition to its complement of in situ microphysical measurement systems. Scientific Requirement (succinct statement of underlying hypothesis or technical goal for proposed research): See*. This experiment provided critical measurements to make progress in the development of retrieval algorithms for application at the North Slope. Moreover, it provided the physical understanding necessary to parameterize arctic cloud processes. *Link is currently unavailable.


Campaign Data Sets

IOP Participant Data Source Name Final Data
Chad Bahrmann METAR Order Data
Paul DeMott Continuous Flow Thermal Diffusion Chamber - Aboard Aircraft Order Data
Andrew Heymsfield Cloud Particle Imager (CPI) Order Data
Greg Kok Cloud Spectrometer and Impactor (CSI) Order Data
James Mather parsl Order Data
Patrick Minnis visible infrared solar-infrared split window technique (visst) Order Data
Israel Silber Measured/Derived Cloud Microphysical Properties Order Data
David Turner MWR Retrievals Order Data
David Turner Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer Order Data
Johannes Verlinde Radiosonde Data Order Data
Shaocheng Xie European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting Order Data
Shaocheng Xie Eta Model Runs Order Data
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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed March 2025