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Water Vapor Isotopic Measurements During CAPE-K

15 April 2024 - 15 September 2025

Lead Scientist: Joseph Galewsky

Observatory: AMF

The CAPE-k_Iso project enhances the Cloud And Precipitation Experiment at kennaook (CAPE-k) through continuous monitoring of water vapor isotopic composition at the kennaook/Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station in Tasmania. Using a Picarro cavity ring-down spectroscopy isotope analyzer, we measure δ18O and δD in atmospheric water vapor with high temporal resolution. These isotopic measurements provide crucial insights that support CAPE-k's primary objectives by: (1) serving as sensitive tracers of moisture sources and atmospheric transport pathways across the Southern Ocean, enabling better characterization of air mass history; (2) constraining cloud microphysical processes through isotopic fractionation signatures during phase changes, particularly in the formation and evolution of pristine marine clouds; (3) helping distinguish between local evaporation and long-range transport contributions to observed water vapor, critical for accurate aerosol-cloud-precipitation interaction studies; and (4) providing validation data for isotope-enabled climate models to improve representation of the hydrological cycle over this climatically significant region.


Campaign Data Sets

IOP Participant Data Source Name Final Data
Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer for Oxygen and Deuterium Isotope Analysis Order Data
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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed March 2025