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Water Isotopic Measurements During EPCAPE

15 February 2023 - 14 February 2024

Lead Scientist: Joseph Galewsky

Observatory: AMF

Recent studies have indicated that aerosols can enhance stratocumulus brightness and lifetime, but the full impact of aerosols on clouds and water vapor in stratocumulus settings remains poorly understood. The stable isotopic composition of water vapor has been successfully used to improve our understanding of sub-cloud mixing, exchanges between the surface and cloudy layers, and the transfer of water vapor between the marine boundary layer and the free troposphere. During EPCAPE-Iso, we will measure water vapor isotopic composition during the main EPCAPE project in La Jolla, California in order to better understand the links between aerosols, cloud processes, and water vapor transport in a key marine stratocumulus setting. To the extent that aerosols impact the condensation of water vapor, they should leave a coherent fingerprint on the isotopic composition of water vapor. Linking isotopic measurements to the full suite of measurements offered by ARM provides a rare opportunity to advance our knowledge of the influence of aerosols on the atmospheric hydrologic cycle in marine stratocumulus settings.


Campaign Data Sets

IOP Participant Data Source Name Final Data
Joseph Galewsky Water Vapor Isotope Analyzer Order Data
Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer for Oxygen and Deuterium Isotope Analysis Order Data
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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed March 2025