CACTI Aerial Campaign
1 November 2018 - 15 December 2018
Lead Scientist: Adam Varble
Observatory: AAF
As part of Cloud, Aerosol, and Complex Terrain Interactions (CACTI), the ARM Aerial Facility Gulfstream-159 (G-1) aircraft will be deployed near the first ARM Mobile Facility (AMF1) location for approximately six weeks—November 1 to December 15, 2018—to support the CACTI science goals. The G-1 flight measurements will provide information on orographic cumulus clouds and deep convective systems. For orographic cumulus clouds, the G-1 measurements will characterize in-cloud dynamics, microphysics, and aerosols, as well as the environmental variability around the clouds focusing on conditions upstream and downstream of clouds at multiple altitudes in the vicinity of the AMF1 site. In situations of significant aerosol heterogeneity, emphasis will be placed on observations in and out of aerosol plumes in the vicinity of the clouds. For deep convective systems, the G-1 measurements will focus on characterizing the environmental conditions that lead to convective initiation and the vertical profiles of environmental properties around the growing deep convection and in adjacent regions that are not initiating deep convection so that the differences in environment can be compared. Convective inflow and free tropospheric properties from the G-1 aircraft will be important for putting AMF1 observations into context and for providing input to numerical simulations.
Related Publications
View all- Fast et al. "Large spatiotemporal variability in aerosol properties over central Argentina during the CACTI field campaign". 2024. 10.5194/acp-24-13477-2024.
Parent Campaign
Eldo Avila
Paul DeMott
David Gochis
Robert Houze
Michael Jensen
Pavlos Kollias
Sonia Kreidenweis
L. Ruby Leung
Greg McFarquhar
Steve Nesbitt
Kristen Rasmussen
David Romps
Paola Salio
Christopher Williams
Edward Zipser
Sue van den Heever
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