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Carbonaceous Aerosol and Radiation Effects Study (CARES) - Surface Meteorological Sounding

26 May 2010 - 7 July 2010

Lead Scientist: Rahul Zaveri

Observatory: AAF , OSC

The primary objective of the CARES is to study the evolution of carbonaceous aerosols and their optical and hygroscopic properties in the Sacramento urban plume as it is advected to the northeast. Carbonaceous aerosols, which include black carbon (BC), urban primary organic aerosols (POA), biomass burning aerosols (BBA), and secondary organic aerosols (SOA) from both urban and biogenic precursors, play a major role in the direct and indirect radiative forcing of climate. However, significant knowledge gaps and uncertainties still exist in the process level understanding of: 1) SOA formation, 2) BC mixing state evolution, and 3) the optical and hygroscopic properties of fresh and aged carbonaceous aerosols. The proposed instruments will provide essential meteorological information about atmospheric structure and transport.


Daniel Cziczo

William Shaw


Campaign Data Sets

IOP Participant Data Source Name Final Data
Dean Atkinson Cavity Ring-down Transmissometer and Radiance Research Nephelometer- T0 Site Order Data
Dean Atkinson Humidity Controlled Cavity Ring-down Transmissometer (HCCRDT)- T1 Site Order Data
James Barnard Multifilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer- T0 Site Order Data
Larry Berg Radar Wind Profiler- T1 Site Order Data
Larry Berg Sodar- T1 Site Order Data
Larry Berg Radiosonde Data Order Data
Manvendra Dubey Carbon Monoxide and Nitrous Oxide Order Data
Jerome Fast Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model Output Order Data
Bertram Jobson Aerodynamic Part Sizer Order Data
Bertram Jobson Carbon Monoxide - G1 Aircraft Order Data
Bertram Jobson Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Order Data
Bertram Jobson Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometer Order Data
Alena Kubatova High Volume Aerosol Sampler- T0 Site Order Data
Alexander Laskin Time Resolved Aerosol Collectors Order Data
Nels Laulainen Actinic Flux- T1 Site Order Data
Claudio Mazzoleni Scanning Electron Microscope- T1 Site Order Data
Chen Song Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer- T0 Site Order Data
R. Subramanian Single Particle Soot Photometer Order Data
Qi Zhang Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Order Data
Qi Zhang Particle-Into-Liquid Sampler (PILS) Order Data
Qi Zhang Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Order Data
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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed March 2025