Breakout sessions for the 2022 Joint Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) User Facility/Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Principal Investigators Meeting are now posted on the meeting website.
There are 19 breakout sessions in addition to four ASR working group sessions, all of which have been added to the online agenda. Breakout sessions give participants an opportunity to discuss important topical science and technical issues in more detail.
Those interested in participating should review the breakout session page and contact the listed conveners.
The 2022 ARM/ASR joint meeting is scheduled from October 24 to 27 in Rockville, Maryland, with some hybrid elements. Breakout sessions will allow participation by both in-person and virtual attendees.
For those intending to travel to the meeting, please review the agenda when planning travel days.
Upcoming meeting deadlines:
- Book your hotel room by 5 p.m. Eastern on October 3.
- Register for the meeting or make changes to your registration, including cancellation, by October 19. Please note: Due to U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) conference restrictions, all DOE national laboratory employees and subcontractors must receive approval from their laboratory point of contact before registering for the meeting.
ARM is a DOE Office of Science user facility operated by nine DOE national laboratories.