New Members Selected to Join ARM User Executive Committee
Published: 19 January 2021

After tallying your votes, the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility’s User Executive Committee (UEC) has welcomed seven new members picked to represent you.
During the election period from October 20 to November 6, 2020, 260 votes were cast virtually. Twenty-one candidates appeared on the ballot.
New members, whose terms began January 1, 2021, are listed below with their home institutions and the science themes they were selected to represent on the UEC. The themes were previously covered by members who rolled off after serving up to four years.
The UEC is charged with providing objective, timely feedback to ARM leadership with respect to the user experience. Reporting to ARM Technical Director Jim Mather, the UEC serves as the official voice of the user community in its interactions with ARM management.
Most of the new members will serve four-year terms. The early career representative will rotate off the UEC in two years along with the current returning members.
New members are:
Susannah Burrows
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Aerosol Modeling
Scott Collis
Argonne National Laboratory
Precipitation Processes
Jessie Creamean
Colorado State University
Aerosol Measurements
Jennifer Delamere
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Radiative Transfer
Christina McCluskey
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Early Career Representative
Yunyan Zhang
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Land-Atmosphere Interactions
Youtong Zheng
University of Maryland, College Park
Cloud Measurements, Cloud Modeling
Returning members are:
Allison C. Aiken, Chair
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Aerosol Measurements, Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions
Daniel Feldman
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Radiative Transfer
Scott Giangrande
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Cloud Measurements, Precipitation Processes, Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions
Xiaohong Liu
Texas A&M University
Aerosol Modeling, Cloud Modeling, Global-Scale Modeling
Art Sedlacek
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Aerial Measurements
Adam Varble
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Cloud Measurements, Cloud Modeling, High-Resolution Modeling
Paquita Zuidema
University of Miami
Aerosol Measurements, Land-Atmosphere Interactions
Aiken moved into the chair position after serving as the vice-chair for the past two years. The UEC will choose Aiken’s vice-chair.
Learn more about the UEC members on the committee’s web page.
For more information about UEC operations, read the UEC Charter.
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