LASSO Powers Ahead with Alpha 2 Release

Published: 23 October 2017

Latest Release Good News for Users

Left to right: Andy Vogelmann, Brookhaven National Laboratory; Bill Gustafson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

One of ARM’s flagship projects, the Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) project, has just announced the last release of its pilot phase, which means regular operations are soon to follow.

This example plot shows the liquid water path skill scores for LASSO simulations from June 1, 2016. Colors in the plot indicate different large-scale forcing data sets driving the simulations.

LASSO, led by principal investigator (PI) Bill Gustafson of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and co-PI Andy Vogelmann of Brookhaven National Laboratory, has released 544 simulations of shallow convection that span 13 days during May to August 2016 at ARM’s Southern Great Plains atmospheric observatory.

Building on last year’s Alpha 1 release, Alpha 2 adds:

  • more than twice as many case days
  • additional, improved observation-model comparisons, including a multi-location cloud base height skill score using the Doppler lidars
  • systematic comparison of grid spacing and domain horizontal extent for some days
  • enhancements to the Bundle Browser, LASSO’s web-based analysis tool, to enable multi-day simulations
  • improved ordering and downloading to accommodate the large data set
  • direct access to data bundles using ARM computer resources.

Check out LASSO and consider how it can contribute to your research. The library of data bundles containing large-eddy simulations, accompanying observations, skill scores, and diagnostics can simplify users’ needs for high-resolution data on shallow convective clouds.

Because Alpha 2 is the final release from LASSO’s pilot phase before transitioning to operations, Gustafson and Vogelmann want to hear how they can further improve the product’s usefulness. Please send suggestions or questions to

Go to the Alpha 2 page to read more about the release and to find links to access the data.

View the Alpha 2 documentation for a full list of changes.

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The ARM Climate Research Facility is a DOE Office of Science user facility. The ARM Facility is operated by nine DOE national laboratories.