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Robert Houze, Jr., Honored with AMS Symposium

Published: 26 October 2015

Robert Houze, Jr.
Robert Houze, Jr.

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) is hosting a named symposium to celebrate the scientific accomplishments of Robert Houze, Jr., at the 2017 AMS Annual Meeting. Houze, a world-renowned expert in clouds and convective systems, is being honored by AMS in “recognition of scientists in the fields served by the AMS, living or deceased, in the form of a named symposium—an honor reserved for only the most outstanding of our colleagues. It is awarded only to those individuals who are completing a career of significant achievements in their field and whose contributions would make them worthy of consideration for Honorary Member of AMS.”

Houze, currently professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of Washington and a joint appointee and Laboratory Fellow at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, has been an active ARM user for over a decade. He has built a career on changing and improving how the community understands areas such as tropical meteorology, precipitation processes, and cloud dynamics. He has been an integral part of field campaigns and satellite programs that have changed the fundamental understanding of cloud and precipitation processes and revealed how these processes are distributed globally and influence Earth’s climate.

The AMS Robert A. Houze, Jr. Symposium will honor Dr. Houze for his seminal contributions to the field of mesoscale and tropical meteorology. His pioneering studies on mesoscale convective systems in the midlatitudes and the tropics, and on the dynamic and physical processes of clouds and precipitation have guided the research in these fields for several decades up to date. In particular, his studies on mesoscale convective systems, and their role in the global climate and weather systems have become classic with paramount influences. The symposium will celebrate Professor Houze’s 45-year career as a researcher and educator.

The 2017 AMS Annual Meeting will be held in Seattle, Washington, January 22-26, 2017.

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The ARM Climate Research Facility is a national scientific user facility funded through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science. The ARM Facility is operated by nine Department of Energy national laboratories.

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The ARM Climate Research Facility is a DOE Office of Science user facility. The ARM Facility is operated by nine DOE national laboratories, including .

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