Jimmy Voyles Moves to Role of Instrument Coordinator

Published: 10 July 2007
Jimmy Voyles. ARM file photo.
Jimmy Voyles. ARM file photo.

Mr. Jimmy Voyles, the current ARM Technical Director, will move to the role of Instrument Coordinator for ARM effective August 1, 2007. In this role, he will provide leadership for the technical and engineering oversight of ARM instrument systems and future deployment planning. In addition, he will contribute to the broader engineering and operations needs of ARM, including the planning and implementation of field campaigns. Congratulations to Jimmy, who now brings his valuable leadership and program knowledge to the role of Instrument Coordinator.

During his tenure as Technical Director, Jimmy brought his team leadership approach and management experience to ARM, in addition to his deep technical knowledge of the ARM Program. He established and maintained a strong relationship with the ARM Chief Scientist, the ARM Science Team Executive Committee, and the other ARM managers. Jimmy also established management systems and communication protocols for the program that have increased the overall effectiveness and productivity of the team, and has ensured that the contributions of the ARM to the broader scientific community are widely communicated. Jimmy has a degree in Electronic Engineering and Technology from the University of Houston, and participated in the masters program in Electrical Engineering through Washington State University.