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DOE Program Provides Opportunities for U.S. Graduate Students

Published: 21 February 2025

Applications open for 2025 Solicitation 1 cycle

White, puffy clouds with text: "SCGSR Apply Now"

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program is now accepting applications for the 2025 Solicitation 1 cycle. Applications are due at 5 p.m. Eastern time Wednesday, May 7, 2025.

Since 2014, the SCGSR program has provided support to outstanding U.S. graduate students to conduct part of their thesis research at a DOE national laboratory or facility in collaboration with a DOE laboratory scientist. The program seeks to prepare graduate students for scientific and technical careers critically important to the DOE Office of Science mission.

To assist potential applicants, DOE will host two virtual workshops:

  • Workshop 1 at 2 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, March 6, will give participants a general program overview and time to discuss how their potential research topics align with the SCGSR priority areas for the current solicitation cycle. (Register for the March 6 workshop.)
  • Workshop 2 at 2 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, April 10, will guide attendees through the application process, provide guidance on proposal writing, and feature discussions with scientists and former awardees. (Register for the April 10 workshop.)

Program, Eligibility, and Application Details

The DOE Office of Science’s Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists sponsors and manages the SCGSR program in collaboration with the six Office of Science research program offices, the DOE isotope R&D and Production Office, and the DOE national laboratories.

SCGSR is open to U.S. doctoral students enrolled in qualified graduate programs at accredited U.S. academic institutions. Eligible students must be conducting research in targeted areas relevant to DOE’s Office of Science.

Detailed information about SCGSR, including eligibility requirements and access to the online application, can be found on the SCGSR website. Potential applicants can also connect with the SCGSR team during virtual office hours, held at 3 p.m. Eastern every Friday starting March 7. Join the Zoom sessions here.

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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed March 2025