ARM User Executive Committee Welcomes New Members
Published: 26 February 2025
Your votes have been counted, and seven new members have been chosen to represent you on the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) User Facility’s User Executive Committee (UEC).
During the election period from October 24 to November 8, 2024, ARM received 359 ballots, which tied 2022’s record turnout. Twenty-two candidates appeared on the ballot. Thank you to all ARM users who ran and voted in the election.
The new members, who began their terms in January 2025, are listed below with their home institutions and the science themes they will represent on the UEC.
Six members recently rolled off the committee after serving four-year terms. Eight members are staying on for two more years.
The UEC is charged with providing objective, timely feedback to ARM leadership regarding the user experience. Reporting to ARM Director Jim Mather, the UEC serves as the official voice of the user community in its interactions with ARM management.
In addition to selecting science theme representatives to serve four-year terms, voters also are asked to select one early career representative to serve a two-year term. However, two of the new members are early career scientists, so the UEC will not have a specific early career representative for the 2025–2026 term. That was also the case for the 2023–2024 term. As a result, all current UEC members are eligible to serve four-year terms.

The new members are:
Christina McCluskey
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Aerosol Measurements, Cloud Modeling
Note: McCluskey served on the UEC as the designated early career representative during the 2021–2022 term.
Kathleen Schiro
University of Virginia
Precipitation Processes
Tianning Su
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Aerosol Measurements, Land-Atmosphere Interactions, Satellite Measurements, Early Career
Peng Wu
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Precipitation Processes, Aerial Measurements, Satellite Measurements, Early Career
Qing Yue
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Radiative Transfer, Satellite Measurements
Kai Zhang
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Aerosol Modeling, Global-Scale Modeling
Xue Zheng
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Aerosol Modeling, Cloud Modeling, Global-Scale Modeling, High-Resolution Modeling
The returning members are:
Michael Jensen, Chair
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Cloud Measurements, Precipitation Processes
Osinachi Ajoku
Howard University
Aerosol Modeling
Sarah Brooks
Texas A&M University
Aerial Measurements
Connor Flynn
University of Oklahoma
Radiative Transfer
Erika Roesler
Sandia National Laboratories
Cloud Modeling, High-Resolution Modeling
Yunpeng Shan
Argonne National Laboratory
Cloud Modeling, Global-Scale Modeling
Zhien Wang
Stony Brook University
Satellite Measurements
Maria Zawadowicz
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Land-Atmosphere Interactions, Aerosol Measurements
Jensen moved into the chair position after serving as the vice-chair for the past two years. The UEC will choose Jensen’s vice-chair.
More information about UEC operations is available in the UEC Charter and on the committee’s web page.
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