Register for CoURAGE Science Team Meeting
Published: 25 April 2024
The first Coast-Urban-Rural Atmospheric Gradient Experiment (CoURAGE) science team meeting will be held June 6, 2024, at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. There is an online attendance option as well.
Registration for in-person or virtual attendance is open until May 1. There is no cost to register.
CoURAGE science team meeting attendees are also encouraged to attend the Baltimore Social-Environmental Collaborative (BSEC) Urban Integrated Field Laboratory all-hands meeting from June 4 to 5 at the same location.
The objectives of the CoURAGE meeting include:
- sharing information about BSEC and CoURAGE among science team members
- learning about complementary studies from the scientific community
- identify science team plans for accomplishing CoURAGE’s research objectives
- working to build on any opportunities the group identifies for improving the project.
The meeting will be held at Olin Hall on the Johns Hopkins campus.
A block of rooms is reserved at The Study, a nearby hotel within walking distance. There is a reservation cutoff of May 6 for this block. Rates per night are $189 for king rooms and $209 for double rooms.
Please email CoURAGE Principal Investigator Ken Davis if you would like to be included on future communications regarding CoURAGE (science team meetings, email list, project Google drive).
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