Sessions for the 2020 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting are being announced. If you will be leading a session relevant to the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility or Atmospheric System Research (ASR), please let us know. We are collecting this information to be shared on the ARM and ASR websites as it is provided.
The following sessions are being convened by your colleagues at the AGU Fall Meeting for your abstract consideration. This year’s meeting will be virtual, with most programming concentrated from December 7 to 11, 2020. To minimize scheduling conflicts, AGU will extend events around the meeting from December 1 to 17. Abstracts are being accepted until July 29.
ARM-Related Town Halls
- Science and Deployment Plan for the DOE Third Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Mobile Facility: Coupled Observational-Modeling Studies of Land-Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in the Southeastern United States
Primary Contact: Chongai Kuang, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Presenters: Scott E. Giangrande and Shawn Serbin, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- The Surface Atmosphere Integrated Field Laboratory (SAIL) ARM Mobile Facility Campaign for Mountainous Hydrology Research
Primary Contact: Daniel Feldman, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Presenters: V. Chandrasekar, Colorado State University; Allison C. Aiken, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Jiwen Fan and L. Ruby Leung, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Kenneth Hurst Williams, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Jeffrey S. Deems, National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado; David Gochis, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Other DOE Earth and Environmental Systems Sciences Division Town Halls
- AmeriFlux: Bringing People, Ecosystems, and Data Together
Primary Contact: Margaret S. Torn, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/University of California, Berkeley
Presenters: Margaret S. Torn, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/University of California, Berkeley; Deb Agarwal and Sébastien Biraud, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Trevor F. Keenan, Macquarie University; Dario Papale, University of Tuscia; Daniel B. Stover, DOE
- DOE’s Research in MultiSector Dynamics: Emerging Field, Opportunities, and Connections Within Earth and Environmental Systems Science
Primary Contact: Robert Vallario, DOE
Presenters: Gerald L. Geernaert and Xujing Davis, DOE; Patrick M. Reed, Cornell University; Dave Judi and Jennie Rice, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Jennifer F. Morris, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- DOE’s Strategic Development in Coastal Research: Advancing a Coupled Model-Experiment Research Approach in U.S. Coastal Zones
Primary Contact and Presenter: Daniel B. Stover, DOE
Moderators: Renu Joseph, Paul E. Bayer, Robert Vallario, and Jennifer Saleem Arrigo, DOE
- Environmental System Science Priorities at the U.S. Department of Energy
Primary Contact and Moderator: Jennifer Saleem Arrigo, DOE
Presenters: Gerald L. Geernaert, Daniel B. Stover, and Paul E. Bayer, DOE
Related Interagency Town Halls
- U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) Interagency Working Group on Integrated Observations Celebrates 30 Years of Agency Observations
Primary Contact: Diane Stanitski, NOAA ESRL Global Monitoring Laboratory
Presenters: Diane Stanitski, NOAA ESRL Global Monitoring Laboratory; Sally A. McFarlane, DOE; Barry L. Lefer, NASA Headquarters
- A004: Advances in Aerosol, Cloud, and Precipitation Property Retrievals With Remote Sensing Measurements
Primary Convener: Damao Zhang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- A015: Aerosol, Cloud, Precipitation, and Radiation Studies Over the Southern Ocean
Primary Convener: Greg M. McFarquhar, University of Oklahoma Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies
- A020: Applications of Machine Learning Algorithms in Modeling Atmospheric Aerosols, Clouds and Radiation
Primary Convener: ManishKumar Shrivastava, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- A025: Atmospheric Aerosols and Their Interactions With Clouds, Radiation, and Climate on Regional Scale
Primary Convener: Bin Zhao, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- A026: Atmospheric and Oceanic Processes Governing the Trade-Wind Regions
Primary Convener: Patricia Quinn, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Relevant for studies using data from these field campaigns: Layered Atlantic Smoke Interactions with Clouds (LASIC), Aerosol and Cloud Experiments in the Eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA), and Marine ARM GPCI Investigation of Clouds (MAGIC)
- A037: Boundary Layer Clouds and Climate Change
Primary Convener: Jan Kazil, NOAA/Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
- A045: Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions and Their Parameterizations in the Context of Weather and Climate
Primary Convener: Seoung Soo Lee, University of Maryland, College Park
- A071: Ice Multiplication: Theory, Formulations and Microphysical/Electrical Role From Cloud-Scale to Global Scale
Primary Convener: Vaughan T. Phillips, Lund University
- A073: Insights Into Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Low Clouds Through COVID-19 Impacts, Natural Experiments, and Deliberate Aerosol Perturbations
Primary Convener: Michael S. Diamond, University of Washington
- A080: Lagrangian and Climatological Transitions of Warm Boundary Layer Clouds
Primary Convener: Mark Smalley, UCLA JIFRESSE
Encourages papers using data from these field campaigns: ACE-ENA; MAGIC; Clouds, Aerosol, and Precipitation in the Marine Boundary Layer (CAP-MBL); and Cold-Air Outbreaks in the Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (COMBLE)
- A091: Process-Oriented Analysis of Cloud and Precipitation Physics
Primary Convener: Johannes Mülmenstadt, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- A110: Understanding the Evolution and the Impact of Mesoscale and Severe Local Convective Storms
Primary Convener: Zhe Feng, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- A111: Unmanned Systems in Atmospheric Research
Primary Convener: Fan Mei, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- C012: Coupled-System Processes of the Central Arctic Atmosphere-Sea Ice-Ocean System: Harnessing Field Observations and Advancing Models
Primary Convener: Matthew Shupe, CIRES/NOAA, University of Colorado at Boulder
Contributions from recent central Arctic field campaigns such as the Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition are particularly relevant
- GC013: Approaches in Measurements and Modeling for Geoengineering
Primary Convener: Erika L. Roesler, Sandia National Laboratories
- H076: Land-Atmosphere Interactions: From Bedrock to Boundary Layer
Primary Convener: Kaighin A. McColl, Harvard University