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2015 AGU Presentations Featuring ARM Data

Published: 10 December 2015

American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

San Francisco, California. December 14-18, 2015

Note: The times listed on talks reflect the beginning of the session and may not be exact talk times. Please click on the abstract link to get an exact time.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
A11QAtmospheric Ice Formation Processes and Impacts I
Oral A11Q-05Characterizing Ice Nucleating Particles Emitted from Agricultural Activities and Natural Landscapes Kaitlyn Suski, Ezra Levin, Paul DeMott, Sonia Kreidenweis, Thomas Hill 8:00 am, Moscone West 3008
A12EVOC Chemistry and OH Reactivity: Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns II
Oral A12E-03New Parameterizations for Understanding Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Isoprene Under Anthropogenic Influence Lindsay Yee, Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz, Suzane de Sá 10:20 am, Moscone West 3004
A14DLarge-Eddy and High-Resolution Simulations for Improved Understanding and Parameterization of Clouds and Boundary Layer Processes I
Oral, Invited A14D-03Observational Constraint of Drizzle Properties and Processes in Large-eddy Simulations from Two Models with Size-resolved Microphysics Ann Fridlind, Jasmine Remillard, Andrew Ackerman, David Mechem, Pavlos Kollias, Edward Luke, Patrick Chuang, Mikael Witte, Robert Wood 4:00 pm, Moscone West 3008
C14AAdvances in Our Understanding of Processes at the Beds of Glaciers and Ice Sheets II
Oral C14A-07Physical Characteristics of Drumlins, with Implications for Their Formation, at an Active Drumlin Field, Múlajökull, Iceland Reba McCracken, Neal Iverson, Ívar Örn Benediktsson, Anders Schomacker, Mark Johnson, Lucas Zoet, Thomas Hooyer 4:00 pm, Moscone West 3007
Poster Sessions
A11KNitrogen-Containing Organic Compounds on Aerosol Formation and Growth Posters
Poster A11K-0221Ambient Observations of Organic Nitrogen Compounds in Submicrometer Aerosols in New York Using High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry Shan Zhou, Xinlei Ge, Jianzhong Xu, Yele Sun, Qi Zhang 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
IN11CPython Solutions for the Earth Sciences Posters
Poster, Invited IN11C-1785Using the Scientific Python Ecosystem to Advance Open Radar Science Scott Collis, Jonathan Helmus 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
A13BAtmospheric Ice Formation Processes and Impacts III Posters
Poster A13B-0326Characterization of Ice Nucleating Particles at the Western US Coast Katherine Rocci, Christina McCluskey, Thomas Hill, Paul DeMott, Sonia Kreidenweis 1:40 pm, Moscone South Poster Hall

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
GC22AAdvances in Atmosphere and Land Modeling for Improved Understanding of the Hydrologic Cycle at the Watershed Scale I
Oral, Invited GC22A-03Constraints on Surface Evapotranspiration: Implications for Modeling and Observations Pierre Gentine 10:20 am, Moscone West 3020
A22DLong-Range Transport of Dust and Pollution in the Past, Present, and Future II
Oral, Invited A22D-05CALIPSO Observations of Changes in Dust Properties During Transatlantic Transport Alexander Marshak, Weidong Yang, Tamas Varnai, Alexander Kostinski 10:20 am, Moscone West 3004
A22EMadden-Julian Oscillation II
Oral A22E-07The Impact of Diurnal Cycle over the Maritime Continent on the Madden-Julian Oscillation Samson Hagos, Chidong Zhang, James Benedict, Charlotte DeMott 10:20 am, Moscone West 3008
A23HAerosols, Clouds, Precipitation, Trace Gas Chemistry, Meteorology, and Their Complex Interactions in Amazonia I
Oral A23H-01Chemical and Physical Properties and Effects of the Manaus Urban Plume Scot Martin 1:40 pm, Moscone West 3008
Oral, Invited A23H-02Microphysics of Amazonian Aerosol Under Background Conditions and the Impact from the Urban Pollution and Biomass Burning Jian Wang 1:40 pm, Moscone West 3008
A23KImproved Understanding of the Surface Energy Balance and the Spatiotemporal Variation of Its Components I
Oral A23K-04Evidence of Clear-Sky Daylight Whitening: Are We Already Conducting Geoengineering? Charles Long, Connor Flynn, Jim Barnard 1:40 pm, Moscone West 3004
A23HAerosols, Clouds, Precipitation, Trace Gas Chemistry, Meteorology, and Their Complex Interactions in Amazonia I
Oral A23H-05Measurements of In Situ SOA Formation Using an Oxidation Flow Reactor at GoAmazon2014/5 Brett Palm, Suzane de Sá, Pedro Campuzano Jost, Douglas Day, Weiwei Hu, Roger Seco, Jeong-Hoo Park, Alex Guenther, Saewung Kim, Joel Brito, Florian Wurm, Paulo Artaxo, Lindsay Yee, Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz, Allen Goldstein, Rodrigo Souza, Antonio Manzi, Jose Oscar Bustillos, Julio Tota, Matt Newburn, M. Lizabeth Alexander, Scot Martin, William Brune, Jose Jimenez 1:40 pm, Moscone West 3008
Oral A23H-07Influence of Anthropogenic Emissions on the Production of Organic Particulate Matter During GoAmazon2014/5 Suzane de Sá, Brett Palm, Joel Brito, Samara Carbone, Pedro Campuzano Jost, Douglas Day, Weiwei Hu, Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz, Lindsay Yee, Rebecca Wernis, Yingjun Liu, Ryan Thalman, John Shilling, Matt Newburn, Rodrigo Souza, Antonio Manzi, Paulo Artaxo, Jian Wang, Allen Goldstein, Lizabeth Alexander, Jose Jimenez, Scot Martin 1:40 pm, Moscone West 3008
A24BAerosols, Clouds, Precipitation, Trace Gas Chemistry, Meteorology, and Their Complex Interactions in Amazonia II
Oral A24B-06Aircraft Measurements of Aerosol Properties During GoAmazon – G1 and HALO Inter-comparison Fan Mei, Micael Cecchini, Jian Wang, Jason Tomlinson, Jennifer Comstock, John Hubbe, Mikhail Pekour, Luiz Machado, Manfred Wendisch, Karla Longo, Scot Martin, Beat Schmid, Bernadett Weinzierl, Mira Krüger, Martin Zöger 4:00 pm, Moscone West 3008
A24DImproved Understanding of the Surface Energy Balance and the Spatiotemporal Variation of Its Components II
Oral A24D-08Measuring the Impact of Rising CO2 and CH4 on the Surface Energy Balance Daniel Feldman, William Collins, Sebastien Biraud, David Turner, Eli Mlawer, P Jonathan Gero, Shaocheng Xie, Timothy Shippert, Margaret Torn 4:00 pm, Moscone West 3004
Poster Sessions
A21DLarge-Eddy and High-Resolution Simulations for Improved Understanding and Parameterization of Clouds and Boundary Layer Processes II Posters
Poster A21D-0160Reconfiguration of the DOE ARM Climate Research Facility to Better Link Measurements and Atmospheric Model Simulations James Mather, Jimmy Voyles 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
Poster A21D-0161Modeling Workflow for the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program’s LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow William Gustafson, Andrew Vogelmann, Heng Xiao, Xiaoping Cheng, Satoshi Endo, Zhijin Li, Tami Toto 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
Poster A21D-0162The DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program’s LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow: Initialization, Forcing and Multiscale Data Assimilation Zhijin Li, Xiaoping Cheng, William Gustafson, Heng Xiao, Satoshi Endo, Andrew Vogelmann, Tami Toto 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
Poster A21D-0163Model-Observation “Data Cubes” for the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program’s LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow Andrew Vogelmann, William Gustafson, Tami Toto, Satoshi Endo, Xiaoping Cheng, Zhijin Li, Heng Xiao 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
Poster A21D-0164RACORO Continental Boundary Layer Cloud Investigations: Large-Eddy Simulations of Cumulus Clouds and Evaluation with In Situ and Ground-Based Observations Satoshi Endo, Ann Fridlind, Wuyin Lin, Andrew Vogelmann, Tami Toto, Andrew Ackerman, Greg McFarquhar, Robert Jackson, Haflidi Jonsson, Yangang Liu 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
Poster A21D-0168A Cloud-Resolving Modeling Intercomparison Study on Properties of Cloud Microphysics, Convection, and Precipitation for a Squall Line Cas Jiwen Fan, Bin Han, Hugh Morrison, Adam Varble, Edward Mansell, Jason Milbrandt, Yuan Wang, Yun Lin, Xiquan Dong, Scott Giangrande, Michael Jensen, Scott Collis, Kirk North, Pavlos Kollias 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
A21EToward Reducing Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models: Evaluation, Understanding, and Improvement I Posters
Poster A21E-0176ARM Data-oriented Diagnostics to Evaluate the Climate Model Simulation of Clouds, Precipitation, and Radiation Chengzhu Zhang 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
Poster A21E-0187Application of ARM Cloud Radar Simulator to GCMs: Plan, Issues, and Preliminary Results Yuying Zhang, Shaocheng Xie, Stephen Klein, Roger Marchand, Wuyin Lin, Pavlos Kollias, Eugene Clothiaux 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
SM21ARecent Advances in Understanding the Magnetospheric Waves and Their Effects on Energetic Particles II Posters
Poster SM21A-2464The Role of ULF Driven Radial Transport in Rebuilding the Earth’s Outer Radiation Belts Brian Kress, Mary Hudson, Jan Paral, Richard Selesnick, Seth Claudepierre 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
A23FThe Underappreciated Aerosol Coarse Mode I Posters
Poster A23F-0396Observations and Characteristics of Particles in the 0.5 to 2.5 Micron Size Range Sonia Kreidenweis, Paul DeMott 1:40 pm, Moscone South Poster Hall

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
A31FAdvances in Instrumentation and Methods for Atmospheric Chemistry I
Oral A31F-07Demonstration of HNO3 Eddy Flux Measurements at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory Using Active Passivation Joseph Roscioli, Scott Herndon, Mark Zahniser, David Nelson, Jake Zaragoza, Ilana Pollack, Emily Fischer 8:00 am, Moscone West 3004
A32AAdvances in Instrumentation and Methods for Atmospheric Chemistry II
Oral A32A-02Advances in Methane Isotope Measurements Via Direct Absorption Spectroscopy with Applications to Oil and Gas Source Characterization Tara Yacovitch, Scott Herndon, Joseph Roscioli, Gabrielle Petron, Joanne Shorter, Dylan Jervis, J McManus, David Nelson, Mark Zahniser, Charles Kolb 10:20 am, Moscone West 3004
A33NAdvances in Instrumentation and Methods for Atmospheric Chemistry III
Oral, Invited A33N-01Applications of Online High Resolution Time of Flight Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (HRToF-CIMS): Opportunities and Challenges for Aircraft Measurements, Atmosphere-ecosystem Exchange, and Organic Aerosol Composition Joel Thornton, Felipe Lopez-Hilfiker, Ben Lee, Emma D’Ambro, Claudia Mohr, Cassandra Gaston, Siegfried Schobesberger 1:40 pm, Moscone West 3004
H33JAdvances in Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions II
Oral H33J-01Understanding Spatial Variabilities in Clouds, Precipitation, Land/Surface Properties at the Southern Great Plains at Different Time Scales Qi Tang, Shaocheng Xie, Karl Taylor, Yunyan Zhang, Thomas Phillips, Laura Riihimaki, Krista Gaustad 1:40 pm, Moscone West 3020
Oral H33J-02Using ARM Observations to Evaluate Model Predictions of Land-Atmosphere Coupling on the U.S. Southern Great Plains Thomas Phillips, Stephen Klein, Hsi-Yen Ma 1:40 pm, Moscone West 3020
A33PImproving Clouds and Water Vapor Simulations in Climate Models and Observing System Simulation Experiments I
Oral, Invited A33P-05Incorporation of New Convective Ice Microphysics Into the NASA GISS GCM and Impacts on Cloud Ice Water Path (IWP) Simulation Gregory Elsaesser, Anthony Del Genio 1:40 pm, Moscone West 3008
A34AEffects of Aerosol on the Variability of Cloud Properties and Precipitation I
Oral, Invited A34A-02Discernible Signals of Aerosol Effects on the Diurnal, Weekly and Decadal Variations in Thunderstorm Activities Zhanqing Li 4:00 pm, Moscone West 3008
A34EObservations, Modeling, and Effects of Mixed Phase Clouds I
Oral, Invited A34E-06Response of Mixed-phase Boundary Layer Clouds with Rapid and Slow Ice Nucleation Processes to Cloud-top Temperature Trend Ann Fridlind, Alexander Avramov, Andrew Ackerman, Peter Alpert, Daniel Knopf, Paul DeMott, Sarah Brooks, Andrew Glen 4:00 pm, Moscone West 3004
Poster Sessions
A31AAerosols, Clouds, Precipitation, Trace Gas Chemistry, Meteorology, and Their Complex Interactions in Amazonia III Posters
Poster A31A-0002Development of Large-Scale Forcing Data for GoAmazon2014/5 Cloud Modeling Studies Shuaiqi Tang, Shaocheng Xie, Yunyan Zhang, Courtney Schumacher, Hannah Upton, Maike Ahlgrimm, Zhe Feng 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
Poster A31A-0006Factors Controlling Liquid Particulate Matter in Amazonia Adam Bateman 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
Poster A31A-0013CCN Activity of Amazonian Aerosols During GoAmazon 2014/5 Jian Wang 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
Poster A31A-0020Emission and Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as Observed at T3: Contrast of the Dry and Wet Seasons Yingjun Liu, Karena McKinney, Thomas Watson, Stephen Springston, Roger Seco, Jeong-Hoo Park, Saewung Kim, John Shilling, Alex Guenther, Lindsay Yee, Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz, Rebecca Wernis, Allen Goldstein, Joel Brito, Paulo Artaxo, Rodrigo Souza, Antonio Manzi, Scot Martin 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
H31AAdvances in Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions I Posters
Poster H31A-1392Soil Moisture Anomalies and Convection: Investigation Using Ground-based Measurements at US Southern Great Plains Yunyan Zhang 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
Poster H31A-1394Using ARM Observations to Test Soil Moisture Dynamics in Climate Models Shanshan Sun, David Cook, Beth Drewniak, Michael Stein, Scott Collis, Elisabeth Moyer 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
A33ECalibration and Validation of Satellite Microwave, Infrared, and Solar Reflective Observations III Posters
Poster A33E-0213First Validation of Satellite Microwave Liquid Water Path with Ship-based Observations in Marine Low Clouds David Painemal 1:40 pm, Moscone South Poster Hall
A33GCoupling of Clouds, Convection, Radiation, and Aerosols in the Climate System I Posters
Poster A33G-0251The Seasonal Cycle of the Radiation Budget and Cloud Radiative Effect in the Amazon Rainforest of Brazil Allison Collow, Mark Miller 1:40 pm, Moscone South Poster Hall

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
A42BBlack- and Brown-Carbon Light-Absorbing Aerosols: Attribution, Quantification, and Impact III
Oral A42B-04Source Attribution of Observed Absorption Profiles During the Two Column Aerosol Project (TCAP) Using a Regional Model Jerome Fast, Larry Berg, Duli Chand, Richard Ferrare, Connor Flynn, Chris Hostetler, Jens Redemann, Arthur Sedlacek, John Shilling, Yohei Shinozuka, Jason Tomlinson, Alla Zelenyuk 10:20 am, Moscone West 3004
A44CPrecipitation, Weather, and Climate: Atmospheric Rivers and Aerosol-Cloud Interaction Studies I
Oral, Invited A44C-02Modeling Aerosol Effects on Clouds and Precipitation: Insights from CalWater 2015 L. Ruby Leung, Kyo-Sun Lim, Jiwen Fan, Kimberly Prather, Paul DeMott, J. Ryan Spackman, F Ralph 4:00 pm, Moscone West 3010
Oral A44C-04Aerosol and Cloud-Nucleating Particle Observations During an Atmospheric River Event Paul DeMott, Christina McCluskey, Markus Petters, Kaitlyn Suski, Ezra Levin, Thomas Hill, Sam Atwood, Gregory Schill, Katherine Rocci, Yvonne Boose, Andrew Martin, Gavin Cornwell, Hashim Al-Mashat, Kathryn Moore, Kimberly Prather, Nicholas Rothfuss, Hans Taylor, L. Ruby Leung, Jason Tomlinson, Fan Mei, John Hubbe, Daniel Rosenfeld, J. Ryan Spackman, Chris Fairall, Jessie Creamean, Allen White, Sonia Kreidenweis 4:00 pm, Moscone West 3010
Poster Sessions
A41AAdvances in Instrumentation and Methods for Atmospheric Chemistry IV Posters
Poster A41A-0008Ultra High Precision Laser Monitor for Oxygen Eddy Flux Measurements Mark Zahniser, David Nelson, Joseph Roscioli, Scott Herndon, J McManus, Dylan Jervis 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
A41FIntense Continental Convection II Posters
Poster A41F-0121Networked Thermodynamic Boundary Layer Profiling with AERIs During the PECAN Field Campaign David Turner, P Jonathan Gero, Denny Hackel, Coda Phillips, Nadia Smith, Tim Wagner 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
A41JToward a Better Understanding of Moist Processes and Their Role in the Climate System II Posters
Poster A41J-0205Probing Cold Pool Dynamics Using a Lagrangian Particle Model Giuseppe Torri, Zhiming Kuang 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
B41DNew Paradigms in Terrestrial Sensing Using Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Posters
Poster B41D-0462Development and Deployment of Unmanned Aircraft Instrumentation for Measuring Quantities Related to Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions Gijs de Boer, Dale Lawrence, Jack Elston, Brian Argrow, Scott Palo, Nathan Curry, William Finamore, James Mack, Gabriel LoDolce, Beat Schmid 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
A43BCloud Observations and Uncertainties III Posters
Poster A43B-0264Long-term Validation of Cloud-droplet Number Concentration Value Added Product (NDROP VAP) Retrieved from Surface Measurements Kyo-Sun Lim, Laura Riihimaki, Jennifer Comstock, Beat Schmid, Chitra Sivaraman, Yan Shi, Greg McFarquhar 1:40 pm, Moscone South Poster Hall
Poster A43B-0265Strategy for Improving Measurement Uncertainty and Data Quality Information for Observations at Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Research Facilities Jennifer Comstock, Doug Sisterson, Ken Kehoe 1:40 pm, Moscone South Poster Hall
B43HPhotosynthesis and Respiration at Leaf, Ecosystem, Regional, or Global Scales: Constraints, Measurements, and Modeling III Posters
Poster B43H-0633The Global Drivers of Photosynthesis and Light Use Efficiency Seasonality: a Granger Frequency Causality Analysis Julia Green, Jung-Eun Lee, Pierre Gentine, Joe Berry, Alexandra Konings 1:40 pm, Moscone South Poster Hall
C43CTechnological Advances to Enable Science in the Polar Regions Posters
Poster C43C-0810Scientific Infrastructure to Support Manned and Unmanned Aircraft, Tethered Balloons, and Related Aerial Activities at Doe Arm Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska Mark Ivey, Darielle Dexheimer, Joe Hardesty, Daniel Lucero, Fred Helsel 1:40 pm, Moscone South Poster Hall

Friday, December 18, 2015

Presentation Type Session ID and Presentation Title Presenters Time and Location
A51TFrontiers of the Radiation Parameterizations in the Climate and Weather Models I
Oral A51T-07Calculating Clear-sky Radiative Heating Rates Using the Fu-Liou RTM with Inputs from Observed and Reanalyzed Profiles Erica Dolinar, Xiquan Dong, Baike Xi 8:00 am, Moscone West 3006
A53ITropical and Midlatitude Convective Storm Systems and Their Roles in Weather and Climate II
Oral A53I-02Convective and Stratiform Components of the Precipitation-Water Vapor Relationship Fiaz Ahmed, Courtney Schumacher 1:40 pm, Moscone West 3006
A54FTropical and Midlatitude Convective Storm Systems and Their Roles in Weather and Climate III
Oral A54F-04Vertical Motions in Convective Clouds over Darwin, Australia Holly Mallinson, Courtney Schumacher, Fiaz Ahmed 4:00 pm, Moscone West 3006
H54FMultiphase Flow and Hydrodynamic Instabilities in Fractured and/or Deformable Porous Media: From Soil Wetting and Drying to Geologic Carbon Sequestration, Shale Gas, and Unconventional Resources II
Oral H54F-05Numerical Modeling on Two Phase Fluid Flow in a Coupled Fracture-Skin-Matrix System Renu Valsala Kumari, Suresh Kumar G 4:00 pm, Moscone West 3018
Poster Sessions
A51DCloud-Scale Processes: Modeling, Observation, and Parameterization for Larger Scale Models II Posters
Poster A51D-0075Low Clouds over the Western Pacific Ocean in ARM Observations and CAM5 Simulations Chidong Zhang, David Zermeno, Arunchandra Chandra, Hsi-Yen Ma, Stephen Klein 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
Poster A51D-0088Contrasting Ice Microphysical Properties of Wintertime Frontal Clouds and Summertime Convective Clouds Wei Wu, Greg McFarquhar 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
A51EClouds, Precipitation, and Climate Change I Posters
Poster A51E-0100Understanding the Role of Riming in Deep Convection Through Variability in Collection Efficiencies and Aerosol Effects Stephen Saleeby, Susan van den Heever, Peter Marinescu, Sonia Kreidenweis, Paul DeMott, Wei-Kuo Tao, Toshi Matsui, Di Wu 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
A51MProcess-Oriented Evaluation of Climate Model Physics Using Observations and High-Resolution Models II Posters
Poster A51M-0257On a Spurious Cloud/PBL Oscillation in CAM5 CAPT Simulations with CLUBB and MG2 Scheme Xue Zheng, Stephen Klein, Hsi-Yen Ma, Vincent Larson, Andrew Gettelman 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
A51NToward Understanding the Three-Dimensional Distribution of Gases, Aerosols, and Clouds via Synergistic Use of Models and Satellite, Aircraft, and Ground-Based Observations I Posters
Poster A51N-0276Parameter Sensitivity Study of Arctic Aerosol Vertical Distribution in CAM5 Chaoyi Jiao, Mark Flanner 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
A51OTropical and Midlatitude Convective Storm Systems and Their Roles in Weather and Climate I Posters
Poster A51O-0298Evolution of Latent Heating Profiles in Two MC3E MCSs Peter Marinescu, Susan van den Heever, Stephen Saleeby, Sonia Kreidenweis 8:00 am, Moscone South Poster Hall
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