2D Best Estimate Data Sets From MC3E Now Available

Published: 14 October 2014

On top, surface air relative humidity is shown in percent from ARMBE2DGRID on 2011-04-22 0:00:00 UTC and on bottom, surface pressure is shown in hPa from different SGP surface meteorological sites (color-coded) from ARMBESTNS for the MC3E period.Data sets for the ARM Best Estimate 2-Dimensional Grid (ARMBE2DGRID) and Station-based Surface (ARMBESTNS) are now available for the Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E) period, which occurred during April to June 2011.

The primary goal of these two data sets is to provide 2-dimensional (2D) spatial data of important surface variables to facilitate studies on precipitation, clouds, and radiation, which require high spatial and temporal observations.

Data from ARMBE2DGRID are processed with the interpolation and quality control (QC) algorithms at 0.25° x 0.25° x 1 hour, while only QC is applied to ARMBESTNS and data are reported hourly at the original site locations. Users have the flexibility to use pre-processed 2D data or to process the station-based data with the approach that is more suitable for their applications. Both data sets are in netCDF format. Next steps are to expand the data sets to all of year 2011.

Feedback and use of the data are welcomed and encouraged. For questions, suggestions, or to report data problems, please contact Shaocheng Xie or Qi Tang.

Log into the ARM Data Archive for access to the ARMBE2DGRID and ARMBESTNS data sets. (Request an account here.)