With an ever-increasing need to connect related pieces of information, databases rule the world. As of mid-March, the ARM Data Archive—containing two decades of continuous measurements of clouds, aerosol, precipitation, and radiative energy from ARM sites around the world—is now included on the data repository page of the highly regarded scientific publisher, Elsevier. Listed under the category of Earth, Environmental & Oceanographic Data, the ARM entry provides a link to citation instructions for researchers to include a data digital object identifier (DOI) in their manuscripts, as well as a link directly to the ARM Data Archive.
Bi-directional linking on the Elsevier page will aid in the discovery of ARM data and journal articles that use ARM data. It also provides essential context to data sets and can improve the reproducibility of published research.
The registration resulted from a request by Giri Palanisamy, ARM Data Archive at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He contacted Elsevier’s Journal and Data Solutions team, based in the Netherlands, to make the connection.
“Our long-term vision is to link ARM data with their publication using the DOI,” said Palanisamy. “This will allow readers to quickly access ARM data using the ARM Data Discovery Browser.”