Scanning Precipitation Radar Data Corrected and Standardized in New Evaluation Product
Published: 18 February 2013
- correct for velocity aliasing
- unfold and generate a cross-polarimetric phase difference that is monotonically increasing, removing impulses caused by non-uniform beam filling and phase shift on backscatter
- recalculate specific differential phase using a 20-point Sobel filter on the aforementioned phase
- correct for liquid path attenuation using the polarimetric signals
- estimate rainfall rates at the gate using the specific attenuation.
In addition, CMAC writes the data out into a community-standard format netCDF File using the CF/Radial conventions. The data are therefore compatible with new and existing National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) tools such as RadXConvert for converting to a variety of popular file formats.
More information on CMAC is available at the VAP web page and in the README file that accompanies the data files in the Data Archive’s evaluation area.
To access these data, log in to the Data Archive. (Go here to request an account.)
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