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From the Outgoing User Executive Committee (UEC) Chair

Published: 21 February 2023

The UEC is eager to engage with you. This is a message from outgoing UEC Chair Allison C. Aiken.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to serve you! Please welcome the new UEC and Jennifer Delamere as the new chair.

Allison C. Aiken, ARM User Executive Committee chair from Los Alamos National Laboratory
Allison C. Aiken, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Welcome to the new year! I hope everyone is off to a good start in 2023.

This is my last UEC blog as chair. I will definitely miss all the great discussions and interactions with the committee, and my role serving the user community to provide advice and recommendations to ARM leadership about your experiences. I learned a lot from all of you and ARM leadership as well.

Since I last wrote in October, we had our first in-person Joint ARM User Facility/Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Principal Investigators (PI) Meeting since 2019. It was so great to see everyone in person and to meet new friends as well last fall.

During the joint meeting, the UEC held a networking session for new ARM users. Thanks to all of you who attended.

We also hosted Emily Fischer, an associate professor at Colorado State University, to speak to the ARM/ASR community about diversity, equity, and inclusion. It was great to see all the enthusiasm from the community in response to her presentation. ARM has taken steps to make its sites safer and more inclusive by updating its code of conduct. Also, ARM intends to help increase situational awareness by providing training for staff and scientists who will be in the field.

Passing of the Torch

In January, those of us finishing our UEC terms met with the new and returning members. We had an extended meeting to transition knowledge from those of us rotating off the UEC to the new members starting this year.

First the subgroup chairs summarized their progress in broadening community outreach. Then we discussed what we thought was working well for the committee. We also gave general advice to the new members before those of us rotating off said our farewells and handed the meeting over to the new committee.

After a short welcome and introductions, new UEC Chair Jennifer Delamere and ARM Director Jim Mather went over the UEC Charter with the committee and began discussions to start forming new goals for the UEC.

I look forward to hearing about continued progress from the subgroups and new initiatives over the next two years. I know the UEC is in great hands now with Jennifer as the new chair, so please welcome her and other UEC members to their new roles!

With that, I will sign off as the UEC Chair. Thank you again for the opportunity to serve you! It has been a great experience. And I look forward to meeting with you all again at the next ARM/ASR PI meeting.

Allison Aiken

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ARM is a DOE Office of Science user facility operated by nine DOE national laboratories.

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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed March 2025