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Data Sharing Guidelines

Data Sharing Tenets

The basic tenets of Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) User Facility data sharing are:

  • “Free and open” sharing of data.
  • Timely delivery of processed data from the ARM Data Center to the infrastructure staff and collaborating science team members. Timely is defined as “near real time” as in within hours typically of collection.
  • Timely access to data by the general scientific community through the ARM Data Center. Timely is defined typically as “days” for routine processing, housekeeping and archival of data from electronically accessible instrument sites.
  • Timely sharing of all data among various participants in ARM-sponsored programs.
  • Recognition of data sources either through co-authorship or acknowledgments as appropriate.
  • Sharing of data of common interest from external sources when possible; some sources restrict secondary distribution of data. In these cases, ARM will seek specific allowances to distribute such data to members of the Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Science Team, but will observe restrictions on further distribution from the ARM Data Center if required.
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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed March 2025