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Data Documentation

Data Documentation

For all new datastreams, measurements, value-added products (VAPs), Quality Measurement Experiments (QMEs), and data reprocessing, several steps are required before approval as an addition to the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) User Facility baseline:

  • A programmatic statement supporting the priority of adding or revising the ARM data product.
  • An assessment of applicability across ARM, either site-specific or ARM-wide.
  • An assessment of computing infrastructure impact (e.g., big files or lots of files, etc).
  • A new or revised Data Object Design (DOD).
  • A full description of the instrument (or system), VAP technique, QME technique, or other method that results in the origination of, or changes an existing, data product (i.e., file content or name).
  • A valid ARM file name (description in the following section).
  • A datastream description.
  • A clear definition of new or revised “scientifically relevant” measurement names for inclusion in the relevant ARM Data Center databases.
  • Information required to complete the expectations database.
  • An algorithm to allow individual data points to be assessed for quality and appropriately flagged or identified, and the “data color” algorithm.
  • A quick-look algorithm.
  • A Baseline Change Request (BCR).
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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed March 2025