Multi-Angle Snowflake Camera Particle Analysis
Baseline VAP
The MASC generates a collection of data for every detected particle. The MASCPARTICLES VAP uses these values as input to derive variables it reports. The VAP produces two datastream files per day.
At the very first stage, the VAP checks whether input is appropriate. If the fallspeed is determined to be too fast (valid_max), the appropriate quality bit is set for all data for this particle. If either camera index is set to MISSING_VALUE or the image cannot be found, the analysis data for this image are set to MISSING_VALUE (and appropriate quality bits are set). If, for the particle, all camera indexes or images are missing or no images were used to compute per-particle average, then the particle averages are set to MISSING_VALUE (and appropriate quality bits are set).
This VAP relies on OpenCV for image processing.
Primary Derived Measurements
View all contacts-
Timothy GarrettScience Sponsor PI University of Utah
Krista GaustadTranslator Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Related Data Announcements
View all references- Cooper et al. "Exploring Snowfall Variability through the High-Latitude Measurement of Snowfall (HiLaMS) Field Campaign". 2022. 10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0007.1.
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