GUC - Gunnison, CO; Supplemental Facility 3
Instruments deployed at GUC - Gunnison, CO; Supplemental Facility 3

No instruments currently active
Primary Measurements collected at GUC - Gunnison, CO; Supplemental Facility 3
Atmospheric turbulence
Browse DataCarbon dioxide (CO2) concentration
Browse DataCarbon dioxide (CO2) flux
Browse DataLatent heat flux
Browse DataLongwave broadband downwelling irradiance
Browse DataLongwave broadband upwelling irradiance
Browse DataNet broadband total irradiance
Browse DataSensible heat flux
Browse DataShortwave broadband total downwelling irradiance
Browse DataShortwave broadband total upwelling irradiance
Browse DataSoil heat flux
Browse DataSoil moisture
Browse DataSurface energy balance
Browse DataNo measurements currently active
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