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Version 1 Release

Available data bundles for the Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) datastream are accessible via the LASSO Bundle Browser. Currently, LASSO data bundles have been produced for dates between 2015 and 2019 at the Southern Great Plains atmospheric observatory that had shallow convective clouds. Further production of shallow convection data bundles is on hiatus to focus on developing additional scenario types, such as deep convection and maritime precipitating clouds.

Groupings of files within each data bundle are combined into three separate tar files available for users to download from the Bundle Browser.

  • The “Config Obs Model” tar file includes the LES inputs and configuration details along with hourly observations, and the skill scores and diagnostics for the associated LES run.
  • The “Raw Model” tar file includes output from the LES every 10 minutes during the simulation.
  • The “High-Freq Obs” tar file contains the observations used in the data bundle, but at near-native time frequencies of many of the observations. Further detail about the LASSO High-Frequency Observation data is available in the LASSO technical document and on the overview web page.

Details about the LES configuration and data included in the bundles are available in the associated LASSO technical document. Additionally, a summary of changes between releases can be found on the change log in Appendix A of the document.

Metadata associated with each data bundle, such as its simulation identification number and large-scale forcing type, can be found in the README files within each bundle. Additionally, this information has been incorporated into a database that can be accessed via the LASSO Metadata Table. This tool allows users to quickly scan available simulations and download the metadata for further analysis.

Simulations within LASSO represent the typical behavior expected from LES using best-practice configurations and are valid for use in various research applications. We recommend users contact the LASSO team to ensure the details of the simulations are understood and that the simulations are used appropriately for a given application.

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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed March 2025