The ice nucleation spectrometer (INS) is an offline analytical measurement system used to process filter samples for freezing temperature spectra of immersion-mode ice-nucleating particle (INP) number concentrations. It is almost identical to the Colorado State University (CSU) ice spectrometer design. Filter samples are collected at ARM facilities routinely and during intensive operational periods, and on the ARM tethered balloon system operated by Sandia National Laboratories, then processed on the INS at CSU.
This filter log contains the detailed metadata at all ARM sites where INP filter sample collection has occurred or is currently ongoing. Metadata include start and end times, vacuum line pressures and temperatures, and flow rates; total accumulated flow through each filter; and notes on collection issues or weather conditions. Users can also keep up to date with the status of filter and data processing, even before data are available on ARM’s Data Discovery. Users can contact INP mentors Jessie Creamean or Thomas Hill with any questions.