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ARM Priorities

The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility is continuously improving to meet its goals and user needs, whether that means adding instruments or developing new data products. Priorities are determined by reviewing input from the science community through workshops, principal investigator meetings, instrument focus groups, and constituent groups.

This input is cross-referenced to U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) mission-critical goals for ARM, such as the Decadal Vision, next-generation ARM, the LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) activity, development of megasites, field campaigns, and maintaining the long-term ARM data record.

An integrated plan is created each year to help focus ARM high-priority activities to have maximum benefit and impact to the science community.

Users can view current and completed high-priority ARM activities.

Aerial Facility Engineering

Task Id Title State Target Completion
ENG0004570 ArcticShark SGP Routine Flights over SGP Closed Complete 2023-10-01

Data Services & System Engineering

Task Id Title State Target Completion
ENG0004210 ADC Infrastructure Upgrades and Future Planning Closed Complete 2024-06-28
ENG0004491 Development of a new Calibration System Phase I Released 2023-10-13
ENG0004768 ARM Data Workbench Phase 2 In Progress 2025-09-30

Instrument Engineering

Task Id Title State Target Completion
ENG0004533 AMF3 BNF: Developing a Network Node for Spatially-Distributed Aerosol Measurements for Deployment of the AMF3 to the Southeast United States In Progress 2025-06-30
ENG0004535 Replace current TSIs with newer technology all-sky imager In Progress 2025-03-31
ENG0004539 Procure third generation C-band precipitation radar In Progress 2026-12-31
ENG0004574 AMF3 BNF: Aerosol Flux Measurements on the Tower - CPCs In Design 2025-06-30
ENG0004592 The Center for Aerosol Measurement Science (CAMS) In Progress 2027-12-31
ENG0004614 Procure SO2 instrument for the AMF3 BNF deployment Closed Complete 2024-05-31
ENG0004642 Instruments to fill in the gaps of aerosol measurements at Utqiagvik (NSA) Closed Complete 2025-03-21
ENG0004657 AMF3 BNF Procure tower and modify CSAPR2 mounting for deployment on the tower In Progress 2024-11-30

Science Products

Task Id Title State Target Completion
ENG0000893 Development of new PBL Height VAP In Progress 2025-09-30
ENG0004234 Update CCN Profile VAP In Progress 2025-09-30
ENG0004350 Development of new cloud phase VAP In Progress 2023-09-29
ENG0004363 Merged Aerosol Size Distribution VAP In Progress 2025-09-30
ENG0004478 Produce CMAC2.0 for radar data produced at GUC by the CSU radar at SAIL In Progress 2024-09-30
ENG0004486 LASSO-ENA In Progress 2026-09-30
ENG0004521 Develop snowfall rate (LWE) retrievals for SAIL Released 2024-09-30
ENG0004563 ARSCL Unification and Upgrade In Progress 2023-09-30
ENG0004651 Development of aerosol vertical profile retrievals using lidar measurements In Progress 2026-05-31
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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed March 2025