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Developer of the Millimeter Cloud Radar Recognized at the ASR Fall Meeting

Published: 29 October 2010

During the Atmospheric System Research Fall Working Group Meeting in October, Dr. Kenneth Moran, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), was presented with a plaque in recognition of his 15 years of outstanding contributions to the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program and ARM Climate Resesarch Facility. As the developer of the millimeter-wavelength cloud radar, Ken’s expertise and professionalism, as well as his subsequent support and maintenance efforts, have been invaluable to ARM’s success.

The millimeter-wavelength cloud radar (MMCR) is designed to determine cloud boundaries and possesses a Doppler capability that allows the measurement of cloud constituent vertical velocities. MMCRs are currently gathering data at five ARM sites: Barrow, Alaska; Lamont, Oklahoma; Darwin, Australia; Manus, Papa New Guinea; and Nauru Island.

In addition to bringing ARM the MMCR, Ken is also responsible for acquiring the research vessel Ronald H. Brown in 1998 while working for the Fleet Replacement and Modernization Project Office at NOAA. He received a Silver NOAA Administrator Award, which acknowledged that this procurement would “enhance the Nation’s ability to understand our oceans and predict climate variations.” ARM used the Ronald H. Brown during the NAURU99 field campaign.

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The ARM Climate Research Facility is a DOE Office of Science user facility. The ARM Facility is operated by nine DOE national laboratories, including .

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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed October 2024