Also provided is the statistical summary of the CMBE data for these four ARM sites. It includes both monthly mean and monthly mean diurnal cycle and their climatologies for all the geophysical quantities contained in the CMBE data sets. Current data availability for all of the CMBE data sets is as follows.
• NSA.C1 (Barrow, AK) 2001-2010
• SGP.C1 (Lamont, OK) 1993-2008
• TWP.C1 (Manus Island, PNG) 1996-2010
• TWP.C2 (Nauru) 1998-2010
• TWP.C3 (Darwin, AU) 2002-2010
• NSA.C1 (Barrow, AK) 1998-2010
• SGP.C1 (Lamont, OK) 1996-2008
• TWP.C1 (Manus Island, PNG) 1996-2010
• TWP.C2 (Nauru) 1998-2010
• TWP.C3 (Darwin, AU) 2002-2010.
More information about this data set is available on the CBME web page. To access these data, log in to the Data Archive. (Go here to request an account.)