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Microwave Radiometer Profiler

Baseline Instrument, Evaluation Instrument, Guest

The microwave radiometer profiler (MWRP) provides vertical profiles of temperature, humidity, and cloud liquid water content as a function of height or pressure at approximately 5-minute intervals for nearly all weather conditions.

The profiles are derived from measurements of absolute microwave radiances (expressed as “brightness temperatures”) obtained at 12 frequencies in the range of 22-30 GHz and 51-59 GHz.

The data are useful for input to numerical weather forecast models and others that require continuous, high-temporal-resolution profiles. The microwave radiance measurements are useful for testing models of microwave radiation transfer used to derive the profiles.

Primary Measurements

  • Maria Cadeddu
    Lead Mentor Argonne National Laboratory


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Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) | Reviewed March 2025